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Our activities of 2021

After a year of restrictions and sanitation measures, Sersan is proud to have managed to organize health emergencies and medical supplies to the best of our ability. We separate activities related to covid operations from other marine rescue operations. Below are some of the most important among the various covid emergencies: whole March (31 days),

Di |2023-05-22T15:05:49+00:00Giugno 4th, 2021|Categorie: News, Posts|0 Commenti

October, November, December – Still our activities of 2020

This is another article concerning the activities of Sersan in 2020. The urgencies collected here differ from the classic ones in terms of times of success and difficulties related to the covid-19 emergency. -MV BBC Mekong's task: In October we received a medical assignment aboard the MV BBC Mekong: standard health care of suspected BBC

Di |2021-03-23T08:37:54+00:00Gennaio 5th, 2021|Categorie: News, Posts|0 Commenti