Who Are We
We care of your crew
Medical services company with a wealth of experience in in medical emergencies on the ground
and at sea both on commercial or cruise vessels for crewmembers and passengers.
Patient medical transfer by medical taxi, helicopter ambulance, aereoambulancejet or on
commercial planes from worldwide to worldwide.
- Medical emergencies services and absistance for seamen and passengers
Medical escort service worldwide
Aeroambulancejet services
Sersan Service for its patients suffering from more serious pathologies organizes a medical escort with Air Ambulance in collaboration with Tyrol Air Ambulance.
Tyrol Air Ambulance Web Site: https://www.taa.at/flug-ambulanz/
Team Members

dr. Salvatore Pulixi MD
Chief Medical Officer

eng. Alessio Garau
Managing Director

dr. Delia Anna Pilo